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the idea of creating a rum brand was somewhat enchanting - a product you can hold in your hand, touch, taste and smell; tactile, visceral

Lock down forced everyone to look at their lives differently, both personally and commercially. We, like most others, were hugely affected by the impact that Covid brought around. We were business owners with questions about what happens next? Born from a design studio’s hankering to push into the product market, Hitchhiker is the result of many late nights and a dose of unusual spare time on our hands.

Coming from a design studio, we have always tried to cast our net wider than others. Constantly looking to challenge ourselves in new sectors and industries - learning, building & broadening our skillsets. 

It might sound obscure, but creating rum made complete sense to us. From a team who’s used to designing architectural spaces, the idea of creating a rum brand was somewhat enchanting - a product you can hold in your hand, touch, taste and smell - tactile, visceral - selling direct to a consumer. It embodies everything we love in a modern brand, plus we get to drink it!

In short, creative individuality was key to us, we didn’t want to just follow the market, we wanted to jump in headfirst, take the plunge and to do so carefree and absent of any preconceptions of what we might create.

We introduce Hitchhiker, a range of truly unique products that have gone through huge amounts of R&D, tastings (the best bit) and market research. Hitchhiker is here to stand out amongst the many.

As cliche as it sounds, a lot of love, sweat and tears have gone into forming this brand & product - we hope you love it as much as we do.